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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a foster and/or adoptive family?

1. Attend an Orientation

2. Attend four in-person trainings

3. Complete documentation

4. Home study

5. Verification

Do I have to be married to foster and/or adopt?

No, many single individuals are great foster parents!

How long does the foster and/or adopt verification process take?

Typically, 3 - 4 months.  However, if you are super motivated, 2 months.  Or, if your schedule needs to take it slower, it can take up to 6 months.

What is a home study?

Think of it as a thesis on your family's life.  You will have lots of questions to answer during one or two interviews.  Then, it takes our team about 3 weeks to complete it.

Can I have pets when fostering/adopting?  What are the restrictions?

Yes, you can have up to six indoor pets that are fully vaccinated and under the care of a veterinarian.  Pets cannot be aggressive or overly excitable to the point of accidentally hurting children who are in your care.

Can I foster and/or adopt if I have biological children?

Yes.  You can have up to six total number of children in your home under the age of 18.

How much does the state reimburse for taking care of foster children?

Depends on the Level of Care for the children.

Basic LOC - $27.07/day

Moderate LOC - $47.37/day

Specialized LOC - $57.86/day

When does the reimbursement disburse? 

Agape Harbor disburse the funds within10 days of receiving the funds from the state. 

Do I need to make a certain income to foster?

You need to be able to prove that you can financially take care of the foster and/or adoptive children in your care without the state daily reimbursement.

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